E. Nowak was born 1980 in Salzburg City/Austria. He studied "Multi
Media Arts" with specialisation on Film and Animation at the
University of Applied Science in Salzburg from 2003 - 2007. Drawing and
Painting has always been a big part of his life.
as a child he preferred to invent and draw his own worlds, phantasies
and creatures instead of playing football with the other children.
Sounds sad and lonely? Not at all!!!
I made the
passion to my profession!!! And now I visiualize
your ideas!
a whole CV of Alexander E. Nowak
click here.
E. Nowak is also represented by creative consultancy Smart Magna in Athen, London, Berlin, Barcelona and New
York. For more information, click here.
Referenzen / ReferencesCollision Studios Hannover | Game
Focus Germany | Northstar Developers | Wildruf | Cine Cartoon |
Ratmania | Explore 5D | ...